EREMI - Longitudinal study in patients aged 0 to 15 years hospitalised for at least 3 days after receiving at least one drug: risk of adverse drug reactions associated with off-label/unlicensed prescriptions

Head :
Kassai Koupai Behrouz, Clinical Investigation Centre Hospices Civils de Lyon /Inserm EPICIME (Epidemiology, Pharmacology, Clinical Research and Medical information, Mother and Child) UMR 5558/CNRS

Last update : 09/06/2020 | Version : 1 | ID : 39007


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Detailed name Longitudinal study in patients aged 0 to 15 years hospitalised for at least 3 days after receiving at least one drug: risk of adverse drug reactions associated with off-label/unlicensed prescriptions
Sign or acronym EREMI
CNIL registration number, number and date of CPP agreement, AFSSAPS (French Health Products Safety Agency) authorisation MMS/MTE/AR1411279
General Aspects
Medical area Pediatrics
Pathology (details) Adverse drug reactions
Health determinants Iatrogenic
Keywords drug, ADEs, Adverse drug episodes, adverse effect, market authorisation, prescription, Hospitalisation, MA, child, adolescent
Scientific investigator(s) (Contact)
Name of the director Kassai Koupai
Surname Behrouz
Address Bâtiment les tilleuls,
59 boulevard Pinel 69003 Lyon
Service Pharmacotoxicologie, HCL
168 avenue Lacassagne 69003 Lyon
Phone (+33) 4 27 85 77 32
Unit Clinical Investigation Centre Hospices Civils de Lyon /Inserm EPICIME (Epidemiology, Pharmacology, Clinical Research and Medical information, Mother and Child) UMR 5558/CNRS
Organization Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL)
Participation in projects, networks and consortia Yes
Details CIC Pédiatrique - Hôpital Femme-Mère-Enfant, Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL) / CIC pédiatrique - Hôpital Robert Debré, Assistance publique – Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP)
Funding status Public
Details ANSM Financing 2012 - Axis 2: Analysis of off-label drug use
Governance of the database
Sponsor(s) or organisation(s) responsible Hôpital Femme-Mère-Enfant, Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL)
Organisation status Public
Sponsor(s) or organisation(s) responsible Hôpital Robert Debré, Assistance publique – Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP)
Organisation status Public
Presence of scientific or steering committees Yes
Additional contact
Name of the contact Nguyen
Surname Kim An
Address Bâtiment les tilleuls,
59 boulevard Pinel 69003 Lyon
Service Pharmacotoxicologie, HCL
168 avenue Lacassagne 69003 Lyon
Phone 0427855290
Unit UMR5558/LBBE
Organization Hospices Civils de Lyon/UCBL
Name of the contact Kassai
Surname Behrouz
Address Bâtiment les tilleuls,
59 boulevard Pinel 69003 Lyon
Phone 0427856317
Unit UMR5558/LBBE
Organization Hospices Civils de Lyon/UCBL
Main features
Type of database
Type of database Study databases
Study databases (details) Cohort study
Database recruitment is carried out by an intermediary A selection of health institutions and services
A population file
Database recruitment is is made on the basis of: Medication(s) taken
Database recruitment is carried out as part of an interventional study No
Additional information regarding sample selection. Automated prospective extraction of drug administrations from the HCL Hospital Information System / Active and spontaneous detection of adverse drug events
Database objective
Main objective To compare the probability of occurrence of an adverse drug reaction (ADR) after a licensed prescription drug versus the probability of occurrence of an ADR after prescribing a drug off-label or unlicensed in patients aged 0-15 years hospitalized at least 3 days

Secondary objectives:
• Compare the proportion of pediatrics inpatients presenting at least one ADR among inpatients with at least one off-labels or unlicensed prescription drug with the proportion of inpatients presenting at least one ADR among inpatients with all licensed prescription drugs
• To describe, in terms of marketing autorisation and indications, the medicinal products prescribed by paediatric age group.
• Identify the factors influencing the risk of developing ADRs after prescribing a drug
• To estimate the seriousness and avoidability of ADRs
Inclusion criteria Children from 0 to 15 years old [0 ; 15[ (including term and preterm newborn infants).
Hospitalised for at least 3 days.
Receiving at least one medication
Population type
Age Newborns (birth to 28 days)
Infant (28 days to 2 years)
Early childhood (2 to 5 years)
Childhood (6 to 13 years)
Adolescence (13 to 18 years)
Population covered Sick population
Pathology Y40-Y59 - Drugs, medicaments and biological substances causing adverse effects in therapeutic use
Gender Male
Geography area Local
Detail of the geography area Hôpital Femme-Mère-Enfant, Hospices Civils de Lyon (HCL) / Hôpital Robert Debré, Assistance publique – Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP)
Data collection
Date of first collection (YYYY or MM/YYYY) 2013
Date of last collection (YYYY or MM/YYYY) 2016
Size of the database
Size of the database (number of individuals) [1000-10 000[ individuals
Details of the number of individuals 6227
Database activity Current data collection
Type of data collected Clinical data
Declarative data
Paraclinical data
Biological data
Administrative data
Clinical data (detail) Direct physical measures
Medical registration
Details of collected clinical data Nature and clinical context of ADEs
Declarative data (detail) Face to face interview
Phone interview
Details of collected declarative data Spontaneous reporting of ADEs by medical teams / Aid to reporting ADEs actively detected by the EREMI team
Biological data (detail) Creatinine level
Administrative data (detail) Admission dates, Duration of stay. Extractions from the hospital information system (prescriptions, doses, anthropomorphic and biological data)
Presence of a biobank No
Health parameters studied Health event/morbidity
Health event/mortality
Health care consumption and services
Care consumption (detail) Hospitalization
Medicines consumption
Data collection method During hospitalisation
Quality procedure(s) used Methodology: HCL Paediatric Clinical Investigation Centre; Biostatistics: Biostatistics department of HCL/UMR CNRS 5558; Management of the database: ClinInfo, Lyon
Participant monitoring Yes
Monitoring procedures Monitoring by contact with the participant (mail, e-mail, telephone etc.)
Monitoring by contact with the referring doctor
Monitoring by crossing with a medical-administrative database
Details on monitoring of participants Duration of monitoring of patients who have had an ADE after discharge: 1 month
Links to administrative sources Yes
Linked administrative sources (detail) PMSI
Promotion and access
Link to the document;;;;
Other information NCT02852590, protocol available on (
Presence of document that lists variables and coding procedures Yes
Terms of data access (charter for data provision, format of data, availability delay) Request from M Behrouz.Kassai ( or Mrs Kim An Nguyen:
Access to aggregated data Access on specific project only
Access to individual data Access on specific project only

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