RaDiCo-DCP - Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia: Identification of specific severity criteria and phenotype-genotype correlation study

Responsable(s) :
MAITRE Bernard, Inserm U 955

Date de modification : 26/01/2024 | Version : 1 | ID : 73379


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Nom détaillé Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia: Identification of specific severity criteria and phenotype-genotype correlation study
Sigle ou acronyme RaDiCo-DCP
Numéro d'enregistrement (ID-RCB ou EUDRACT, CNIL, CPP, etc.) CCTIRS n° 16.049Bis / CNIL Decision DR-2016-391 / CEEI n°15-259 bis
Thématiques générales
Domaine médical Anatomy - Cytology
Otolaryngology or ENT
Rare diseases
Urology, andrology and nephrology
Etude en lien avec la Covid-19 No
Pathologie, précisions Primary Ciliary Dyskinesias (PCD) are respiratory diseases related to a constitutional abnormality of the cilia that affects the axonema, a structure common to cilia and flagella. PCDs provok upper and lower airway infections, secondary to alterations in muco-ciliary purification, which are classically manifested in childhood. These respiratory infections result in recurrent bronchopulmonary disease and rhinosinusitis, progressing to bronchial dilation and nasal polyposis, respectively. In half of the cases, there is a reverse rotation of the viscera (situs inversus), resulting in Kartagener's syndrome, defined by the triad of bronchiectasis, chronic sinusitis and situs inversus, which therefore constitutes a subgroup of PCDs. The first and most common ciliary abnormality, found in patients with PCD, corresponds to an absence of the outer dynein arms that carry the ATPase activity essential for ciliary movement. Many other ultrastructural abnormalities of the cilia were subsequently described in the context of PCDs. Most affected men are sterile due to immobility of the flagellum of the spermatozoa, which then present the same ultrastructural defect as that of the respiratory cilia. The incidence of PCDs in the general population is estimated to be 1/16000. The transmission of PCDs is classically autosomal recessive, with the frequency of affected individuals being much higher in populations where there is a high degree of inbreeding.
Déterminants de santé Genetic
Healthcare system and access to health care services
Social and psychosocial factors
Responsable(s) scientifique(s)
Nom du responsable MAITRE
Prénom Bernard
Adresse Service de Pneumologie
Centre hospitalier intercommunal de Créteil
40 avenue de Verdun
94000 Créteil
Téléphone +33 (0)1 57 02 20 82
Laboratoire Inserm U 955
Organisme French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (Inserm)
Participation à des projets, des réseaux, des consortiums Yes
Précisions Filière Maladies Rares pulmonaires RespiFil. / European Reference Network ERN-LUNG
Financements Public
Précisions Funded by the French « Investissements d’Avenir » cohorts programme, Grant « ANR » 10-COHO-0003.
Gouvernance de la base de données
Organisation(s) responsable(s) ou promoteur French National Institute for Health and Medical Research (Inserm)
Statut de l’organisation Secteur Public
Existence de comités scientifique ou de pilotage Yes
Labellisations et évaluations de la base de données Security audit certification of the database. Data management and continuous quality control of data.
Contact(s) supplémentaire(s)
Type de base de données
Type de base de données Morbidity registers
Origine du recrutement des participants A selection of health institutions and services
Le recrutement dans la base de données s'effectue dans le cadre d'une étude interventionnelle No
Informations complémentaires concernant la constitution de l'échantillon Depending on their symptomatology, the initial management of patients suspected of PCD is carried out in a paediatric, ENT, adult pneumology, paediatric pneumology, or reproductive biology department that undertakes etiological explorations, in particular ciliary investigations that make it possible to confirm the diagnosis of PCD.
The RaDiCo-DCP cohort will consist of 300 prevalent and incident patients, both paediatric and adult, who will be followed for 5 years after their inclusion in the study.
Objectif de la base de données
Objectif principal The main objective is to identify in a large cohort of PCD patients, early predictors of severity in order to improve personalized patient management.
Critères d'inclusion All prevalent patients and incidents included in the RaDiCo-DCP cohort must:
• Have a confirmed diagnosis of PCD based on at least one of the following diagnostic criteria: Kartagener syndrome (association of chronic sinusitis, bronchiectasis and situs inversus), and/or evidence of specific abnormalities of the ciliary ultrastructure, and/or identification of unambiguous mutations in a PCD gene.
• Have at least one annual follow-up visit in accordance with standard practice.

Patients who meet the following criteria will not be included:
• Patient with an unconfirmed diagnosis of PCD;
• Patient with a concomitant progressive pathology that may interfere with the evaluation of PCD-related manifestations.
Type de population
Age Newborns (birth to 28 days)
Infant (28 days to 2 years)
Early childhood (2 to 5 years)
Childhood (6 to 13 years)
Adolescence (13 to 18 years)
Adulthood (19 to 24 years)
Adulthood (25 to 44 years)
Adulthood (45 to 64 years)
Elderly (65 to 79 years)
Great age (80 years and more)
Population concernée Sick population
Pathologie Q34 - Other congenital malformations of respiratory system
Sexe Male
Champ géographique National
Détail du champ géographique Complete coverage of the French territory by the Reference and Competence Centers for Rare Lung Diseases
Année du premier recueil 2017
Année du dernier recueil 2028
Taille de la base de données
Taille de la base de données (en nombre d'individus) < 500 individuals
Détail du nombre d'individus 300 estimated
Activité de la base Current data collection
Type de données recueillies Clinical data
Declarative data
Paraclinical data
Biological data
Données cliniques, précisions Direct physical measures
Medical registration
Détail des données cliniques recueillies Demographics; General, respiratory and ENT assessments; Fertility; Genetics; Therapeutic
Données déclaratives, précisions Paper self-questionnaire
Internet self-questionnaire
Face to face interview
Données paracliniques, précisions Respiratory assessment (radiological and EFR); Paraclinical ENT assessment; NO assessment and ciliary explorations
Données biologiques, précisions Bacteriological evaluation
Existence d’une biothèque No
Paramètres de santé étudiés Health event/morbidity
Health event/mortality
Quality of life/health perception
Qualité de vie/santé perçue, précisions Cohort-developed, age-appropriate quality of life questionnaires and SNOT – 22 test reviewing 22 symptoms reflecting the pathological burden of patients with rhinological diseases.
Mode de recueil des données eCRF in secure web access, secure cloud and HADS hosting
Nomenclatures employées HPO, ICD10, Snomed CT, Orpha Codes and ORDO, Drug dictionary (DCIs)
Procédures qualité utilisées Data Management Plan and Data Validation Plan. Continuous data management (automatic control rules and query system)
Suivi des participants Yes
Modalités de suivi des participants Monitoring by convocation of the participant
Monitoring by contact with the referring doctor
Monitoring by crossing with a morbidity register
Pathologie suivies Q34 - Other congenital malformations of respiratory system
Appariement avec des sources administratives No
Valorisation et accès
Valorisation et accès
Existence d’un document qui répertorie les variables et les modalités de codage Yes
Charte d'accès aux données (convention de mise à disposition, format de données et délais de mise à disposition) Requests for access to RaDiCo-DCP data (aggregated or individual) will be considered by the Scientific Committee following the submission of a summary of a specific research project, as defined in the Charter of access to resources. Requests should be sent to: dcp@radico.fr
Accès aux données agrégées Access on specific project only
Accès aux données individuelles Access on specific project only

Partenaires - F.A.Q. - Contact - Plan du site - Mentions légales - Administration - PEF-HD - Mis à jour le 15 décembre 2020 - Version 4.10.05