suivi-COVID - Evaluation of the post-COVID-19 functional status (PCFS) scale as a screening tool for sequelae in patients with COVID-19 hypoxic pulmonary disease

Responsable(s) :
Eschapasse Emmanuel

Date de modification : 22/04/2021 | Version : 1 | ID : 73841


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Nom détaillé Evaluation of the post-COVID-19 functional status (PCFS) scale as a screening tool for sequelae in patients with COVID-19 hypoxic pulmonary disease
Sigle ou acronyme suivi-COVID
Thématiques générales
Domaine médical Pneumology
Etude en lien avec la Covid-19 Yes
Pathologie, précisions sequelae of hypoxic pulmonary disease
Déterminants de santé Others (specify)
Autres, précisions nothing in particular
Mots-clés functional status scale, Pneumonia
Responsable(s) scientifique(s)
Nom du responsable Eschapasse
Prénom Emmanuel
Adresse HGRL CHU Nantes
Email ESCHAPASSE Emmanuel <>
Organisme Nantes University Hospital CIC
Participation à des projets, des réseaux, des consortiums No
Financements Private
Précisions Pays de la Loire Respiratory Health Research Institute
Gouvernance de la base de données
Organisation(s) responsable(s) ou promoteur Nantes University Hospital
Statut de l’organisation Secteur Public
Existence de comités scientifique ou de pilotage No
Contact(s) supplémentaire(s)
Nom du contact Lemarchand
Prénom Patricia
Adresse l'institut du thorax - UMR Inserm 1087/CNRS 6291<br>IRS-UN, 8 quai Moncousu, BP 70721<br>44007 Nantes cedex 1, France
Laboratoire Thorax Institute - UMR Inserm 1087/CNRS 6291
Organisme Inserm
Type de base de données
Type de base de données Others
Préciser medical hospitalisation and follow-up data
Base de données issues d'enquêtes, précisions Longitudinal study (except cohorts)
Origine du recrutement des participants A selection of health institutions and services
Critère de sélection des participants Another treatment or procedure
Le recrutement dans la base de données s'effectue dans le cadre d'une étude interventionnelle No
Informations complémentaires concernant la constitution de l'échantillon The population concerned brings together patients aged 18 to 75 years, admitted to Nantes University Hospital for pulmonary disease requiring supplemental oxygen therapy (known as “hypoxic pulmonary disease”) attributed to SARS-CoV-2 based on a positive PCR or chest CT scan criteria, having completed the PCFS and mMRC questionnaires.
These patients will constitute the Nantes post-COVID-19 follow-up cohort. As part of their management, they will be offered routine follow-up at 3 months, either as a pulmonology appointment if standard hospitalisation was required, or in the outpatient clinic setting allowing a wider panel of tests to be performed, if admission to an intensive care unit was warranted due to the initial severity of the infection, with or without invasive ventilation.

More than 700 patients tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 at Nantes University Hospital between February and June 2020. Approximately one hundred of these patients fulfil the criteria for age and severity of pulmonary disease, and are therefore eligible for this follow-up.
Objectif de la base de données
Objectif principal The primary objective of this project is to propose a French translation and assess the “post-COVID-19 functional status” (PCFS) scale as a screening tool for respiratory sequelae in patients with COVID-19 hypoxic pulmonary disease after 3 months in the Nantes COVID-19 hypoxic pulmonary disease cohort, attending an appointment at Nantes University Hospital. The primary endpoint will be to assess the Spearman correlation between the PCFS scale and the mMRC (modified Medical Research Council) scale.
Critères d'inclusion Adult patient, aged under 75 years, having been admitted to Nantes University Hospital for hypoxic pulmonary disease, defined by the need for supplemental oxygen therapy for at least 24 hours, associated with a diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection confirmed by PCR or CT scan lesions consistent with infection in the event of a negative PCR, attending the 3 month follow-up visit, and having completed the PCFS and mMRC questionnaires.
Type de population
Age Adulthood (45 to 64 years)
Elderly (65 to 79 years)
Great age (80 years and more)
Population concernée Sick population
Pathologie J12 - Viral pneumonia, not elsewhere classified
Sexe Male
Champ géographique Regional
Régions concernées par la base de données Pays de la Loire
Année du premier recueil 2020
Année du dernier recueil 2021
Taille de la base de données
Taille de la base de données (en nombre d'individus) < 500 individuals
Activité de la base Current data collection
Type de données recueillies Clinical data
Declarative data
Paraclinical data
Biological data
Données cliniques, précisions Direct physical measures
Medical registration
Données déclaratives, précisions Paper self-questionnaire
Suivi des participants No
Pathologie suivies
Appariement avec des sources administratives No
Valorisation et accès
Valorisation et accès

Partenaires - F.A.Q. - Contact - Plan du site - Mentions légales - Administration - PEF-HD - Mis à jour le 15 décembre 2020 - Version 4.10.05