HSA - Cross-sectional Handicap-Health study - Informal caregivers ARCHIVE

Responsable(s) :
Soullier Noémie

Date de modification : 01/01/2018 | Version : 1 | ID : 73098


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Contact(s) supplémentaire(s)
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Objectif de la base de données
Type de population
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Nom détaillé Cross-sectional Handicap-Health study - Informal caregivers
Sigle ou acronyme HSA
Numéro d'enregistrement (ID-RCB ou EUDRACT, CNIL, CPP, etc.) CNIL
Thématiques générales
Domaine médical Disability/handicap
Déterminants de santé Healthcare system and access to health care services
Lifestyle and behavior
Social and psychosocial factors
Mots-clés Informal caregivers, family and friends, aid, living conditions, dependence, health, handicap, quality of life
Responsable(s) scientifique(s)
Nom du responsable Soullier
Prénom Noémie
Email noemie.soullier@sante.gouv.fr
Organisme DREES
Participation à des projets, des réseaux, des consortiums Yes
Financements Public
Précisions DREES
Gouvernance de la base de données
Organisation(s) responsable(s) ou promoteur DREES
Statut de l’organisation Secteur Public
Organisation(s) responsable(s) ou promoteur Insee
Statut de l’organisation Secteur Public
Contact(s) supplémentaire(s)
Type de base de données
Type de base de données Study databases
Base de données issues d'enquêtes, précisions Not-repeated cross-sectional studies (except case control studies)
Origine du recrutement des participants An administrative base or a register
Base ou registre, précisions HSI-HSM survey file
Le recrutement dans la base de données s'effectue dans le cadre d'une étude interventionnelle No
Objectif de la base de données
Objectif principal The principal objective of the "Informal caregivers" survey is to characterise non-professional caregivers (family, friends, neighbours, etc.) for individuals who have stated that they have trouble performing certain daily activities due to a handicap, a health problem or their age in the 2008 Handicap-Health survey.

Conducted from April to September 2008, the survey includes 5,000 informal caregivers of handicapped individuals and dependent elderly individuals. This survey allows for the description and analysis of the living conditions and quality of life of individuals providing support to individuals they are close with (family, neighbours, friends, etc.) who stated that they have trouble in activities of daily life in the Handicap-Health survey in ordinary households in 2008 (handicapped or elderly individuals).

It addresses an interest identified in the recent public debate (conference on Family in 2006, decree dated January 2007 allowing the arrangement of the right to respite for family caregivers ), and addresses the initial questions from the Handicap-Health survey.

It allows for knowledge of the motivations and manifestations of informal support, description and analysis of living conditions and quality of life of caregivers and the manner in which non-professional aid connects or does not connect with aid provided by professionals. The survey also allows for the detailed measurement of the consequences of aid on the daily life of the caregivers, on the professional, family and friendship plans.

The general objective of the survey can be broken down into five sub-objectives: to create a portrait of caregivers from the social network, to gain knowledge of the configuration of aid and the conditions under which it is provided, to see how the caregiver's activity is reconciled with that of other caregivers, to understand the consequences of aid and the resulting needs, and lastly to gain knowledge of the representations that the caregivers have regarding their economic consent to the aid provided.
Critères d'inclusion The survey sample is made up of all of the caregivers named in the 2008 Handicap-Health survey, 16 years of age and older.

The "Informal caregivers" survey is a supplemental section of the Handicap-Health survey in ordinary households conducted by Insee in 2008: when a person indicates in the Handicap-Health survey that he or she is aided by one or more non-professional caregivers, a quick description of the caregiver and the nature of the aid that he or she provides is requested from the surveyed individual.

The contact information for the caregiver (or caregivers) is also collected (with a maximum of 3 cohabitating caregivers and 10 caregivers per surveyed individual): they constitute the sampling frame for the "Informal caregivers" survey.

The "Informal caregivers" study is limited to individuals 16 years of age or older. The individuals are questioned directly face to face by an Insee surveyor.
Type de population
Age Adolescence (13 to 18 years)
Adulthood (19 to 24 years)
Adulthood (25 to 44 years)
Adulthood (45 to 64 years)
Elderly (65 to 79 years)
Great age (80 years and more)
Population concernée General population
Sexe Male
Champ géographique National
Détail du champ géographique France
Année du premier recueil 2008
Année du dernier recueil 2008
Taille de la base de données
Taille de la base de données (en nombre d'individus) [1000-10 000[ individuals
Détail du nombre d'individus 5 000
Activité de la base Data collection completed
Type de données recueillies Declarative data
Données déclaratives, précisions Face to face interview
Détail des données déclaratives recueillies The questionnaire for the "Informal caregivers" survey addresses the following topics: Lifestyle of the caregiver Nature of the relationship with the person receiving care Description of the aid Relationship with the professional caregivers for health and for the sector Consequences of the aid on social relationships Consequences of the aid on the career path Consequences of the aid on activities Needs of the caregiver Aid provided to other people with health problems or handicaps Estimation of the subjective and monetary value of the aid provided
Existence d’une biothèque No
Paramètres de santé étudiés Health event/morbidity
Health care consumption and services
Quality of life/health perception
Suivi des participants No
Pathologie suivies
Appariement avec des sources administratives No
Valorisation et accès
Valorisation et accès
Lien vers le document http://www.drees.sante.gouv.fr/les-enquetes-handicap-sante,4267.html#sommaire_article
Charte d'accès aux données (convention de mise à disposition, format de données et délais de mise à disposition) To be defined
Accès aux données agrégées Access on specific project only
Accès aux données individuelles Access on specific project only

Partenaires - F.A.Q. - Contact - Plan du site - Mentions légales - Administration - PEF-HD - Mis à jour le 15 décembre 2020 - Version 4.10.05